AUSEL – (AUSEL – ATENCIÓN A LA URGENCIA SOCIAL EDUCATIVA Y LABORAL ) ATTENTION TO SOCIAL EDUCATION AND LABOUR URGENCY is a non-profit association that works to promote the educational continuity and labour insertion of people from the firm conviction that a better society is possible, and that we are all responsible for it’s change. We work with the belief that education and employment are the basis for this change that equalize and dignify us. That is why they are the basis of our strategy to address the true causes of the difficulties of our beneficiaries, which will normally be related to personal aspects.

Our programs provide comprehensive attention to the processes of social and labour insertion of people belonging to groups that show the most disadvantaged side of this globalized society: drug addicts, minors in social conflict, ethnic minorities, single-parent families, women, etc. , with attention to their individual needs to achieve these goals.

We promote and support our young people’s vocations, most of which are hidden. In this sense, all our programs include colloquiums and conferences with professionals from different fields, and we enhance artistic training with related workshops, knowing that through art, values are cultivated and cultural identity is reinforced.

The proposal does not stop at this level, but rather includes the adult population of the intervention areas (mainly for parents and women), addressing issues of individual, family and community interest that are addressed according to the needs of the people who participate.

In addition, we propose training workshops for the teachers in the area, with the aim of providing them with tools for the detection and identification of learning difficulties in children and adolescents.

With all these premises, we have launched the first project, PAÍS, of the AUSEL Association in Guatemala.



Brief history of Ausel

The idea of founding the AUSEL Association was born in 2015 after Miguel Angel volunteered at the NPH Guatemala Foundation. A year later, upon his return to Spain, he had already decided he would return one day with the firm intention of continuing to help Guatemalan minors, both from NPH and from the community.

Since 2015, Miguel Ángel, who until then had only worked as an engineer for large multinationals, decided to further his skillsets with a Master’s Degree in International Cooperation and Development. He held positions of responsibility in the management of Social Entities and in the coordination and execution of projects for several NGOs, both in Spain and in several developing countries. Miguel Ángel’s professional experience combining Social Action (NGOs) and the private sector, have culminated in the creation of the AUSEL Association in 2022.


AUSEL is a Non-Governmental Organization whose basic objective is to improve the quality of life of socially disadvantaged groups.


Solidarity: Understood as a voluntary adherence to the work and common demands common to the objectives of our association.

Responsibility: At AUSEL we assume the value of responsibility as a commitment to society and the environment that surrounds us, and particularly to children and older youth belonging to groups that reflect the reverse of this globalized society: drug addicts, children at risk and social conflict, ethnic minorities, single-parent families, women, etc.

Orientation to the user: Our users and their families are the center of all AUSEL all activities. The evolution, improvements and transformations carried out at AUSEL are always designed to improve the service to the user service based on their needs.

Respect: We recognize people and their rights. At AUSEL we work for respect as a way of coexistence and enrichment.

Honesty: Understood as the coherence between our actions and our mission. We intend our activity to be a faithful reflection of our values.

Non-discrimination: We work for equal opportunities and for the eradication of discriminatory actions based on birth, race, sex, religion, opinion or any other personal or social condition or circumstance.

Equity: Integrate equal opportunities between women and men in the organization as a basic and transversal principle.


We have a multidisciplinary team made up of professionals in several fields: international cooperation and development, social work, education and social and labour integration, medicine and engineering. This ensures the proper functioning of the association at the administrative level, human resources, accounting and communication levels. In addition, in the field we have extensive experience in project management and implementation both in the field of development and humanitarian emergencies.
We must also added all the people who selflessly collaborate with AUSEL in our volunteer program, and who temporarily join the team to participate in the projects of our association.

Miguel Ángel Martínez

Miguel Ángel Martínez

Rafael Martínez

Rafael Martínez

María Mercedes Martínez

María Mercedes Martínez

Miguel Ángel Martínez

Miguel Ángel Martínez

Giorgio Barboni

Giorgio Barboni

Laura Navas

Laura Navas

Sergio A. Chopox

Sergio A. Chopox

Esteban Buch

Esteban Buch

Inclusión Socioeducativa
Cristina Moya

Cristina Moya

Formación a Docentes
Rafael Martínez

Rafael Martínez

Formación Artística
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